World leaks

Michael Protzman Is Dead Or Still Alive, Leader Of Dallas QAnon Group


Michael Protzman Is Dead Or Still Alive, Leader Of Dallas QAnon Group

In a startling turn of events, Colleen Protzman had to deal with a perplexing disclosure from her own son, Michael Protzman. Michael fervently declared a complex family tree on which Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. surfaced as cousins on a video that reverberated with unflinching confidence. The network included a complex relationship with Joe Kennedy, who was reportedly still alive on the video, and Trump’s supposed uncle, JFK Sr. Trump’s brother looked a lot like Mussolini, and Trump himself was the son of General George Patton in this bizarre story.

As Colleen listened to her son’s fantastical assertions, a deep sense of despondency settled within her. Michael had become a prominent figure in a QAnon offshoot, fervently believing in a conspiracy theory that asserted JFK Jr. was not only alive but also clandestinely collaborating with former President Donald Trump to thwart an ominous cabal threatening the United States.

This peculiar conspiracy theory might seem confined to the obscure corners of the internet, but its manifestation took an unexpected turn on November 2, 2021. On that day, hundreds of individuals from across the nation congregated at Dallas’ infamous grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza, the site of President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination. However, their purpose wasn’t to commemorate the late President; instead, they ardently hoped for the resurrection of the Kennedys.

Speculations buzzed through the crowd, fueled by a fervent belief that JFK Jr. would make a triumphant appearance to introduce his long-deceased parents. One believer confidently asserted to a local news crew, “Word on the street is Junior — JFK Jr — will show up and introduce his parents.” When asked about his expectations, he earnestly replied, “He’ll probably be the vice president with Trump.”

Regrettably, neither JFK nor his son materialized, leaving many in the crowd disappointed. Yet, a steadfast faction persisted, waiting for months in Dallas, clinging to the belief that the Kennedys would return.

The inexplicable transformation of the Kennedys, once synonymous with the Democratic Party, into revered figures within a movement that also idolizes Trump reflects a bizarre amalgamation of American history, biblical prophecies, and the fringe narratives of QAnon. In this alternate reality, the Kennedys and Trump purportedly share direct lineage with Jesus Christ, casting them as heroic protagonists in an age-old battle between good and evil.

Despite the sheer absurdity of this narrative, it struck a chord with hundreds of people who flocked to Dallas that day, yearning for the reappearance of a Kennedy. Some even upended their lives, abandoning families and jobs, all in pursuit of a promise that, tragically, was nothing more than a false hope. The question that lingers: Why?

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