A sniper in Gaza pursued by Belgian justice


The Israeli army uses the services of an elite corps called “Ghost Unit – Refaim”. It is composed of snipers, including Europeans and Americans. A Belgian is in the sights of justice.

Confirmed to the press, a complaint for war crimes has been filed against a Brussels resident operating in the Israeli army. This Belgian, who also has Israeli nationality, is a sniper for a unit called “Refaim”. He operates in Gaza. According to testimonies collected by Palestinian journalist Younis Tirawi, including that of an American officer from the “Ghost Unit – Refaim”, this Belgian-Israeli allegedly killed unarmed civilians and fired on hospitals, like his comrades in arms. This investigation was also relayed by the Flemish daily De Morgen. Based on the information collected, the Belgian-Palestinian Association filed a complaint in Brussels. It was deemed admissible by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office “after an initial examination of the evidence in its possession”. Including videos.

On civilians

This sniper unit would have instructions to shoot on sight any man of fighting age. And anyone approaching bodies hit by army bullets, including civilians. This group active in Gaza would include about twenty men, including three Americans, two French, a German, an Italian and a Belgian. Some probably have, like the Belgian, dual Israeli nationality. In Belgium, the federal prosecutor’s office indicates that this is the only file opened on Belgian soil for this type of case in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The investigation will have to determine whether this shooter was indeed found guilty of war crimes, beyond his duty as a soldier. Even if the person incriminated left the country in 2022, Belgium is required to pursue violations of the international convention on humanitarian law and war crimes.

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