Children die after eating poisoned candy given to them by an unknown person

After analyzing the sweets, it was determined that they contained substances highly dangerous to human life.


Two minors, Ythallo Raphael Tobias Rosa, 6, and Benjamín Rodrigues Ribeiro, 7, died after consuming sweets that, according to witnesses, were offered to them by an unknown woman outside their school.

The event occurred on September 30, 2024, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • human life
  • huma

Both children showed signs of poisoning shortly after consuming the sweets. Ythallo was taken to the Del Castilho hospital, where he sadly died the same day. His friend Benjamín, who was also admitted for the same symptoms, died ten days later in the same hospital.

Investigations revealed that the sweets were contaminated with lead pellets and other toxic substances.

A toxicological analysis confirmed the presence of terbufos and its derivatives, a highly dangerous chemical. Authorities are working to identify the woman responsible, and the case has been assigned to the Capital’s Homicide Police Station.

The school community and affected families are devastated. Authorities continue to investigate as the city mourns the loss of two young lives cut short by this heinous poisoning.

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