Double use! Honduran man swaps barrel for pool to store water and build house

2 for 1! This is how the young man came up with the idea of ​​giving an unconventional use to the pool, which will later be used for swimming.


Honduran man who is building a house in a rural area of ​​the country used his ingenuity and replaced traditional barrels with a pool to store the water he needs.

@maicol_salisbury , who works as a bricklayer , shared a video on Wednesday showing how he has placed the pool inside the construction that is half-finished.

He explained that the decision was made because the barrels they had were not enough and they had to refill them frequently.

That’s how he remembered that he had been given the huge pool some time ago, but that it was stored in a box without any use, so it was his time to serve.

This is how he cleaned the necessary area, placed a nylon, inflated the pool and then filled it with the water he bought in a cistern, to save time by not having to refill the barrels.


The unconventional idea of ​​the Honduran, who lives in the department of Comayagua, has caused admiration among his nearly 80 thousand followers on the Chinese video platform.

“That’s called making the most of things and not losing opportunities”; “Dude, that’s 2 for 1, it’s good for building and then for bathing” and “Thanks for the idea, I already know what to buy when I build my little house,” you can read.

It is unknown whether the young man’s construction is his own or someone else’s, but there are already hundreds of Internet users who are eagerly awaiting to see it when he finishes it.



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