Driver opens his vehicle door and causes the death of a motorcyclist

Driver opened the door in the middle of the road and unleashed a tragedy: motorcyclist was run over by a school bus in a matter of seconds.


motorcyclist lost his life after an accident occurred on the busy Carrera Séptima in Bogotá, capital of Colombia , when the driver of a parked van opened the door of his vehicle without realizing that the motorcyclist was coming, which triggered a series of fatal events.

According to images captured by security cameras and spread on social media, the motorcyclist was knocked down after the unexpected movement of the truck driver , falling into the center lane.

At that moment, a school bus traveling on the road did not have time to brake, which caused the motorcyclist to be run over by the rear wheels of the bus.

The accident caused a stir in the area, especially because of the speed with which the events unfolded. A Transmilenio bus driver tried to help the motorcyclist by crossing his vehicle on the road to prevent another car from running him over.

Fine for parking in prohibited places in Colombia

According to the Integrated Information System on Fines and Sanctions for Traffic Violations and Law 769 of 2002 (Article 76), it is prohibited to park the car:

  • On platforms, green areas or on public spaces intended for pedestrians, recreation or conservation
  • On arterial roads, highways, security zones, or within an intersection
  • Main and collector roads where the prohibition or restriction regarding schedules or types of vehicles is expressly indicated
  • On bridges, viaducts, tunnels, underpasses, elevated structures or any of the accesses
  • In areas expressly designated for parking or stopping of certain types of vehicles, including stops for public service vehicles, or for physically handicapped people
  • In lanes dedicated to mass transportation without authorization
  • At a distance greater than thirty (30) centimeters from the sidewalk
  • In double rows of parked vehicles, or in front of fire hydrants and garage entrances. On curves
  • Where it interferes with the exit of parked vehicles
  • Where traffic authorities prohibit it
  • In the safety and protection zone of the railway line, on the main line, secondary lines, sidings, stations and railway annexes.

Those who park illegally could pay a fine of 15 times the current legal daily minimum wage , that is, 650,000 Colombian pesos (3,837.65 lempiras).

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