An intimate video of Chilean influencer Flavia Martín has been rapidly spreading on Telegram and X (formerly known as Twitter), according to reports that the video leak was caused by a hack of her cell phone. The dancer and content creator explained that this leak is the result of a cybercrime and asked for support from her followers.
The situation quickly went viral after Flavia shared her experience on the podcast ‘ Un Tal Fredo’, where she described the impact of this violation of her privacy. In the space, Flavia clarified that the stolen videos were not sent by her, highlighting that the material was stolen directly from her mobile device.
In addition, Martín commented that there was speculation on Telegram about the possible involvement of one of her ex-boyfriends in the leak of the videos. The influencer regretted the invasion of her privacy and hopes for justice, as this case highlights the risks of digital security and the importance of protecting personal data.
Is Flavia Martín’s video available on Telegram and Twitter?
Following an internet search and various social media accounts where Chilean influencer Flavia Martín ‘s intimate videos were allegedly leaked, they have come to light, showing personal moments from her life when she was younger, as she revealed in a recent podcast interview.
This type of private content has generated controversy and quickly gone viral on social media, although Flavia still does not know who was responsible for the leak.
The content creator has expressed her frustration with the situation, while calling for empathy from her followers in this difficult moment. Likewise, experts remind that the dissemination of unauthorized material violates the Olympia Law, which establishes criminal sanctions for cybercrimes and seeks to protect people’s privacy.
Chilean influencer Flavia Martín was born on August 6, 2002, which makes her currently 22 years old. Flavia was in a relationship with Mexican actor Adriano Zendejas, although it has not been confirmed whether he is the ex-partner whom the young woman has accused of abuse.
During a recent interview, the Chilean shared various experiences of emotional abuse during a past relationship. However, the content creator chose not to mention any names, preserving specific details about her ex-partner in the conversation.
Flavia’s testimony, broadcast on a popular podcast, has reached more than 1.35 million views on YouTube. Her story has resonated with followers and viewers, reflecting the impact of these experiences on her life and generating support on social media.4o