German Thomas had lost his heart to Norway and moved to Bardu in the Troms province in Norway in 2008. But health problems had been bothering him for years. However, doctors kept saying he was just way too fat. He was prescribed a diabetes medication and told to exercise more. He was also recommended to have a stomach reduction.
But doctors in a Norwegian university hospital noticed that there was more going on with the ‘overweight’ German optician.
It was not until 2023 – no less than twelve years after the first symptoms – that a Norwegian doctor decided to really examine the man thoroughly. He discovered a malignant cancerous tumor weighing no less than 27 kilograms in the man. His ‘fat’ belly had nothing to do with fat, but was entirely due to the malignant tumor.
A daring operation to remove the large tumor, which contained several cancerous foci, ultimately saved his life. It took three surgeons to remove the tumor. The tumor weighed 27.3 kilos, was 52.3 centimeters in diameter and had already caused extensive damage. As a result, the right kidney and part of the small intestine also had to be removed.
In the meantime, Thomas has recovered from the operation, but he is following therapy for the years of psychological suffering and must be checked by the oncologist every six months as there is still tumor tissue present that cannot be removed because it is connected to multiple organs. He also filed a lawsuit against the doctors who misdiagnosed him for years.