Honduran military policeman boasts that he built his house with effort in the face of criticism

Military police officer surprises by responding to criticism by showing how he has transformed his efforts into unexpected achievements.


A video of Honduran José Vásquez , a member of the Military Police , caused a stir on TikTok after he responded wittily to a criticism made about his work.

Vásquez, who has served in the Military Police for two years, posted a video showing off his uniform with a criticism he has received: “You’ve been in the Military Police for 2 years and you haven’t even bought a motorcycle.”

Far from ignoring the criticism, Vasquez responded with a touch of humor in the first part of the video, saying: “You’re right,” while assuming a relaxed posture.

However, in the second part of the clip, the soldier surprised by showing a house and a plot of land with crops, accompanied by the phrase: “But I have my own,” making it clear that he has focused his efforts on other achievements beyond buying a motorcycle .

The video caused a great impact on social media, where many users praised his response and highlighted the importance of investing in durable goods such as land and housing.

“There are priorities, my respect, keep it up”, “You have a house for 100 years”, “It was a question of responding, not humiliating”, “Excellent, I congratulate you”, are some of the comments.

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