I only had two: Honduran man arrested for drunkenness in Roatán


In Honduras, the law penalizing habitual drunkenness establishes that the permitted blood alcohol limit for drivers is 0.07 mg/100 ml.

A Honduran man was arrested on Monday while intoxicated by officers of the National Directorate of Roads and Transportation (DNVT), during Morazanic Week operations on the streets of Roatán, an island region of Honduras.

The unusual thing is that when he was stopped, the driver claimed that “I only had two,” trying to justify his condition. However, the breathalyzer test revealed a blood alcohol level of 3.4 degrees (about 0.35 mg), exceeding the limits permitted by law.

In Honduras, the law penalizing habitual drunkenness establishes that the permitted limit of alcohol in the blood for drivers is 0.07 mg/100 ml, so the concentrations detected in the driver in Roatán far exceed the legally permitted limits.

Drunkenness is a factor in traffic accidents in Honduras, which are the second cause of violent death after homicides.

Alcohol not only affects reflexes and response capacity, but can also cause aggressiveness, alter responsibility and prudence, and lead to reckless behavior such as speeding.

According to the DNVT, the speed limit on roads in Honduras is 80 km/h; however, investigations indicate that in many accidents drivers exceed 100, even 120 kilometers.

Active operations during Morazan Week

These operations are part of the preventive measures implemented by the authorities to reduce traffic accidents during the celebration of this national holiday.

Authorities have reiterated the importance of responsible driving and warned that they will continue with road safety controls to ensure the protection of citizens.

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