Is Ariel Miramontes gay? This is what is known about the Albertan’s sexual orientation

Actor Ariel Miramontes is reported to be gay on social media. Here are more details about the Albertan's sexual orientation.


Ariel Miramontes, known for his iconic role as Albertano Santa Cruz in the series ‘Mi pareja es un correo ‘, has become a media personality that transcends his acting career. However, throughout his career, he has been the subject of speculation and rumors about his sexual orientation. 

On social media, users have widely questioned whether Miramontes is gay, generating a torrent of debate between his followers and detractors. 

Despite constant rumors about his sexuality, Miramontes has maintained a relatively private personal life, which has, in part, further fueled interest in his orientation. 

Although he has been romantically linked to several women throughout his life, the shadow of speculation persists.

What is known about Ariel Miramontes’ sexual orientation?

Actor Ariel Miramontes has been at the center of speculation about his sexual orientation, although he has never confirmed or denied these rumors.

With a cautious stance regarding his personal life, Miramontes has preferred to keep a low profile, despite having been romantically linked to several women throughout his career.

It is important to note that, beyond his love life, Ariel Miramontes is the father of three children , an aspect of his life that has also been the subject of interest.

Who is Ariel Miramontes’ current partner?

Ariel Miramontes is not married nor does he have a partner publicly. However, he has been romantically linked to the artist Maya Karunna, as they have been seen together at multiple social events, which has sparked rumors about a possible romantic relationship.

Despite this, many of the actor’s followers have pointed out that his relationship with Maya is merely friendly and not a romantic relationship.

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