Jorge Lanata’s current health status: here are the details about his recovery after multiple surgeries

Learn about the health status of Argentine journalist Jorge Lanata, who remains hospitalized after several surgeries and remains under intensive care.


Internet users have shown great interest in knowing the state of health of Jorge Lanata, especially after the leak of images in which he is seen hospitalized again. These photographs generated concern and revived speculation about his delicate condition.

Jorge Lanata has spent more than four months in intensive care at the Italian hospital, where in recent days he has undergone several surgical interventions to treat intestinal complications. His condition continues to be a cause for concern for his fans and the medical community.

In the midst of this situation, family conflicts have arisen, mainly between his wife, Elba Marcovecchio, and his daughters, Lola and Bárbara Lanata. Tensions have escalated to the point of involving the justice system. The leak of the image of Lanata in hospital has generated outrage and an investigation is still underway to identify the person responsible for taking the photo.

In the program “El diario de Mariana”, broadcast by América TV and hosted by Mariana Fabbiani, a reporter stationed outside the Italian hospital offered more details about the leaked photo of Jorge Lanata. He confirmed that the image corresponds to his recent operation and that the parties involved had not seen the photo previously.

Elba Marcovecchio, Jorge Lanata’s wife, spoke out about the photo leak

Elba Marcovecchio, Lanata’s wife, also reacted to the image’s dissemination. According to the reporter, Lanata’s daughters commented that they found out about the photo thanks to its dissemination on the program, and they did not know who was responsible for publishing it. The account that shared it was created in October 2024 and had no followers.

Marcovecchio expressed his outrage at the leak, saying it was what he had tried to avoid at all times. So far, no further details have emerged about who was responsible for circulating the photo on social media.

leaked photo of jorge lanata
The leaked photo shows Jorge Lanata in the hospital, causing concern among his followers.
Photo: Internet

What is Jorge Lanata’s current health status?

Jorge Lanata’s health remains delicate after four months of hospitalization and several surgeries, but this week some encouraging news for his family emerged. América Noticias reported that Lanata’s sedation level was reduced and he is in a state between awake and asleep, which represents progress in his recovery.

The journalist has been admitted to the Italian Hospital since June 15, with brief transfers to a nearby rehabilitation clinic.

After four surgeries for intestinal problems, specifically ischemia , a valve was placed to prevent the contents of the large intestine from passing into the small intestine and thus prevent bacterial infections.

Statement from the hospital where Jorge Lanata is located
Photo: Internet

In addition, it was reported that her intestine is healing properly and they will soon try to change her feeding from the parental route to the nasogastric route.

This will allow Lanata to switch from being fed through the bloodstream to receiving nutrients through a tube inserted through the nose into the stomach, marking significant progress in his treatment.

Who can visit?

Four months after Jorge Lanata’s hospitalization and four surgeries, only his closest friends can visit him at the Italian Hospital. The family remains divided, with tensions between his wife, Elba Marcovecchio, and his daughters.

Bárbara Lanata recently spoke about how she feels emotionally after her father was hospitalized for so long. In an interview with A la tarde (América TV), she expressed that, although she is physically and emotionally exhausted, she is relieved that the surgeries were successful.

He also revealed that he managed to allow his mother, Andrea Rodríguez , to visit Lanata, even though initially only Elba could decide who entered. Regarding the dismissal of workers by his wife, he clarified that the case is in the hands of justice and that the power of decision has already been revoked.

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