Laura Dogu: Corruption in Honduras is deep, the CICIH is of vital importance


Xiomara Castro recently submitted the second draft of the agreement for the implementation of the CICIH to the UN Secretary General.

The United States ambassador to Honduras, Laura Dogu , addressed this Tuesday the relevance of the International Commission Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras ( CICIH ), emphasizing the need for government authorities to accelerate the process for its installation.

“The CICIH is of vital importance. There is an active process between Honduras and the UN, in which the United States is not directly involved, but we strongly support the creation of the CICIH. Corruption in the country is deep, and it is essential to combat it,” argued Dogu.

He also stressed that “institutions cannot provide assistance to victims because of the corruption that affects them in many cases.”

Delivery of the second draft of the agreement

The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro , presented the second draft of the agreement for the implementation of the CICIH to the UN Secretary General, António Guterres .

This progress is considered an important step in the country’s commitment to strengthen its fight against corruption, according to what Foreign Minister Enrique Reina said in a statement to the media in New York.

The document establishes that the CICIH will maintain its independence and autonomy, acting as a private prosecutor in the corresponding judicial proceedings.

This second draft includes the observations agreed upon between the Government of Honduras and the UN , in addition to taking up aspects discussed in the first draft presented in September 2023.

President Castro reiterated that the CICIH will have the necessary guarantees to fulfill its mission, including immunities and legal powers, as well as the support of the Attorney General’s Office.

During the meeting, the president emphasized the importance of concluding the negotiation process of the agreement to formalize the arrival of the CICIH.

Foreign Minister Reina, who was present at the meeting, explained that the UN is now expected to review and respond to the draft in order to move forward towards signing the agreement.

“We hope that the United Nations will give us its response so that we can proceed with the signing of the agreement and take it to the National Congress,” said Reina.

Once signed, the agreement will be sent to Congress for discussion and approval, which will allow for the official implementation of the CICIH in the country.

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