Learn the favorite words of the less intelligent people, according to AI

Artificial Intelligence has revealed certain speech patterns that are associated with individuals perceived as less intelligent.


Artificial Intelligence can analyze speech patterns to infer cognitive and personality characteristics, and in that regard, according to a data analysis carried out by AI , the most common words and phrases used by people with lower cognitive capacity, or less intelligent , have been identified , in addition to revealing their favorite colors and even the way they walk.

According to information from Noticias Caracol , Artificial Intelligence has revealed certain speech patterns that are associated with individuals perceived as less intelligent .

These findings, based on an analysis of large volumes of data, suggest that language choice may be an indicator of cognitive ability , so some examples are highlighted below.

  • Overuse of filler words

Filler words , such as “uh,” “um,” “well,” “um,” “well,” and “well,” among others, are common in people’s daily speech, but overusing them can be seen as a sign of a lack of verbal fluency and a lower ability to structure complex thoughts.

Given the above, according to AI, these words often fill in gaps when a person is unsure of what to say.

  • Vague phrases

Expressions such as “everyone knows”, “always”, “never” and “all the time” are generalizations that do not provide precision or detail.

  • Negative words and pessimistic language

Other favorite words for less intelligent people , according to AI, are the recurrent use of negative words, such as “I can’t”, “it’s impossible ” or ” it never works”, among others, which can reflect a closed mindset and a lower ability to solve problems.

In this regard, AI identifies this type of language as an indicator of a lack of resilience and limited cognitive abilities to overcome challenges.

  • Simplistic language and poor vocabulary

People with lower cognitive abilities also tend to use a limited and simplistic vocabulary. Basic and repetitive words may suggest a lack of vocabulary richness and a difficulty in expressing complex ideas clearly.

Artificial Intelligence detects this lack of variation as a sign of limited intellectual capacity .

  • Lack of structure in the speech

Abrupt jumps between topics and disorganized sentences are often signs of unstructured thinking, so chaotic speech may be interpreted by AI as a sign of lower cognitive ability, since people with higher intelligence tend to express themselves in a coherent and logical manner.

  • Excessive use of clichés

According to the international media, phrases such as “when life gives you grief, put on a brave face” or “better late than never” are clichés that, although popular, do not add value to the discourse. The AI ​​identifies their frequent use as a sign of a lack of originality and critical thinking , since these clichés tend to be used without deep reflection.

  • Emotionally charged language

Using overly emotional and subjective language, such as “ hate ,” “ love ,” “ terrible ,” or “ wonderful ,” can be interpreted by AI as a lack of capacity for rational, objective thought. A more balanced and neutral approach is often associated with greater cognitive ability.

Other cases of common phrases

In addition to the above patterns, five other expressions have been identified as commonly used by people with a lower IQ, as specified by ChatGPT :

  • Frequent use of ‘whatever’

This phrase reflects a lack of interest or knowledge in a subject and is often interpreted as a sign of disinterest in learning or understanding a situation.

  • Unnecessary exaggerations

Expressions such as ” the best thing in the world” or “the worst thing I’ve ever seen” may be indicative of a tendency to simplify complex situations, something that AI associates with a lower analytical capacity .

  • Unfounded comparisons

Using phrases like “this is worse than everything” or “this is business as usual” can show an inability to argue logically and with reason.

  • Dependence on value judgments

Expressions such as “it’s ugly,” “it’s bad,” or “it’s good” without offering an explanation or argument to support these opinions may be signs of a lack of critical thinking , according to AI.

  • Incorrect use of technical terms

Similarly, misusing technical or complex terms without understanding their meaning, such as trying to sound knowledgeable by saying “it’s quantum” or “it’s relative” out of context, may reflect a low level of knowledge and understanding.

Recommendations to avoid these words and phrases

On the other hand, according to Artificial Intelligence , there are ways to improve language and avoid patterns that can be perceived as indicative of lower intelligence:

  1. Expand vocabulary : Reading books and consuming varied content helps to incorporate new words that allow you to express ideas more precisely.
  2. Avoid filler words : Practicing public speaking or having mindful conversations can help reduce the use of filler words.
  3. Use specific examples : Instead of resorting to generalizations, it is preferable to give concrete examples that reinforce the arguments.
  4. Develop critical thinking : Asking questions, researching, and analyzing situations from different perspectives can improve the structure and clarity of your speech.
  5. Balance emotional language : Avoid extreme or overly emotional expressions and opt for a more objective and rational approach.

It’s important to note that AI is not a definitive arbiter of human intelligence, but its analysis provides useful tools for understanding how language can reflect thought patterns and cognitive abilities .

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