Nicolás Maduro says he will be sworn in as president of Venezuela on January 10


Nicolás Maduro has ruled out the possibility that the standard-bearer of the majority opposition coalition – Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) -, Edmundo González Urrutia, will be sworn in as the next president of Venezuela next January.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said on Saturday that he will be sworn in as president of the Caribbean nation for the 2025-2031 period on January 10, as established by the Constitution, after the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed him the winner of the July 28 elections, a result questioned inside and outside the country.

“On January 10, President Nicolás Maduro Moros will be sworn in with millions of people in the streets, as the Constitution mandates,” said the president at a rally celebrating his controversial re-election in the northern state of La Guaira.

Maduro dismissed the possibility that next January the standard-bearer of the majority opposition coalition – Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) -, Edmundo González Urrutia , will be sworn in as the next president of Venezuela, despite claims of electoral “fraud” by the anti-Chavez movement.

“The Constitution is explicit and states that the president proclaimed by the corresponding bodies, in this case the Electoral Power, and ratified by the 100% expert audit of the voting records, carried out by the Electoral Chamber (of the Supreme Court of Justice), will be sworn in on January 10,” he added.

Results in favor of Maduro

The National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro the winner of the presidential elections held on July 28 , despite the fact that, to date, it has not published the disaggregated results, as contemplated in the official schedule.

The government also relies on a Supreme Court ruling – presided over by Chavista Caryslia Rodríguez – which upheld the CNE announcement, while the opposition bases its claim on the “83.5% of the minutes” collected by witnesses and members of the table, which reflect – it insists – the victory of González Urrutia, exiled in Spain since September 8.

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