Scammer ended up falling in love with his victim: ‘Why rob you if I can win you over?’

The criminal, seeing that he had been discovered, changed tactics and began to flirt with the young woman.


A young Chilean woman never imagined that an attempted digital scam would end in an unusual declaration of love.

It all started when Catalina García was contacted by someone who, posing as her friend on social media, tried to ask her for money.

The scammer had hacked into the accounts of Catalina’s close friend and started sending messages to her contacts asking for financial help. However, the young woman soon suspected that something was wrong.

“The messages did not match my friend’s usual way of speaking,” Catalina said. After communicating directly with her friend through another means, she confirmed her suspicions: her friend had been hacked.

The criminal, when he saw that he had been discovered, changed his tactics. Instead of continuing with his demands for money, he decided to try to woo the young woman, attracted by her photographs.

“Why rob you when I can conquer you?” was the message he sent her, surprising Catalina, who confessed to feeling disconcerted.


“At first I was angry, but then I couldn’t help but laugh. It was too surreal,” he explained.

Despite the absurdity of the situation, Catalina decided to play along in the hopes of recovering her friend’s hacked accounts.

During the conversation, the scammer, in addition to sending her compliments, offered her advice on how to protect herself from future scams, such as not sharing banking information via text messages and avoiding suspicious links.

“It’s strange to see the human side of a criminal,” Catalina reflected. Finally, after keeping her promise and returning the bills, the young woman said goodbye with a phrase that provided a curious ending to the story: “May he behave himself.”

Catalina shared her unusual experience on social media, where it quickly went viral, surprising many with the unexpected outcome of what seemed to be a common scam.


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