Two more suspects arrested for the murder of environmentalist Juan López

According to the Secretary of Security, Gustavo Sánchez, the detainees "belong to a criminal structure dedicated to contract killing" in Tocoa, Colón, and would have been hired to carry out the murder of Juan López.


Two men were arrested this Saturday in Tocoa, Colón, Caribbean region of Honduras, as part of the investigation into the murder of environmentalist Juan Antonio López, according to the Secretary of Security, Gustavo Sánchez.

The National Police “in raids that are currently being carried out in Tocoa, through preventive detention and for investigation purposes, arrested two more people for their possible involvement in the death of environmentalist Juan López,” Sánchez said through his account on the social network X.

According to the official, the detainees “belong to a criminal structure dedicated to contract killing in the area and were hired to carry out this criminal offense.”

Sánchez said that police operations continue within the framework of the investigation into the violent death of López, who was also a councilor of the Tocoa municipality and a celebrant of the word of God.

“We will not rest until we find all those responsible for this unfortunate incident,” the secretary said.

The arrest of these suspects occurred one day after the police arrested the alleged perpetrator of the murder of Juan López and one of the alleged accomplices.

Lopez’s murder

Environmentalist Juan López was murdered on September 14 as he was leaving a church, despite having been under precautionary measures from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) since 2023.

López’s murder has caused shock among various sectors of Honduras and the international community, who are demanding justice. Even Pope Francis condemned his death.

López was a defender of the Guapinol River and opposed mining projects in Tocoa, Colón.

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