Veronica Hidalgo Wikipedia: biography, age, children and who she is

Find out who Verónica Hidalgo is, who is about to give birth to her baby with her husband Juan Andrés González.


The stage that Verónica Hidalgo is going through could not be more exciting. The former Miss Spain 2005 is enjoying a “happy pregnancy” and is looking forward to the last weeks of the year to welcome her first daughter, as she commented on the program Y ahora Sonsoles, which is why she sparked interest in her personal life and her profile on Wikipedia .

The Argentine actress tearfully said that she is living a dream because she has always had that very active instinct, but she also recognizes that it has not been easy to get to the point where she is. It has been a long road of three years in which she has undergone different fertility treatments that have made her want to throw in the towel.

What is Veronica Hidalgo’s profile on Wikipedia?

Verónica Hidalgo is a Spanish model and former beauty queen, born on December 30, 1981 in Begur, Girona, she began her career in the fashion world at the age of 14 and became known nationally when she won the title of Miss Spain 2005.

After her victory, Veronica became a popular figure on television, participating in programs such as “Supervivientes: Perdidos en el Caribe” and “Mira quién salta”, she has also worked as an actress in series such as “Tirando a dar” and “Esposados”.

In recent years, Veronica has been more distant from the media, but she has recently reappeared, sharing her personal and professional experience on social media. In addition, she has launched her own online business and has become a coach, helping other people achieve their goals.

Who are Veronica’s children?

Verónica Hidalgo is expecting her first child at the age of 42. Her pregnancy has been a long and difficult process, as she has had to undergo several fertility treatments. Finally, she managed to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization and is very excited about the arrival of her daughter.

Juan Andrés González, Verónica Hidalgo’s husband, is a publicist with a solid track record in the world of advertising and communication. Although he has not become as well known in the media as Verónica.

Their support has been fundamental in Veronica’s career and personal life. Together, they have overcome challenges, including the in vitro fertilization process, and are expecting their first child, which has filled the couple with joy and excitement.

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