Young Pepe Mujica: this is what the former Uruguayan president looked like


Pepe Mujica, a young Uruguayan, is a former guerrilla and politician who stood out as president, known for his focus on social justice

José Alberto Mujica Cordano, popularly known as Pepe Mujica, was born on May 20, 1935 in Montevideo, Uruguay. He was a former guerrilla, politician and farmer, who rose to prominence as the country’s 40th president from 2010 to 2015.

His career is marked by a deep commitment to social justice and human rights.

Biography of Pepe Mujica

Mujica comes from a family with diverse roots. His father, Demetrio Mujica Terra, and his mother, Lucy Cordano Giorello , inherited an interesting lineage. On his father’s side, he is descended from Basques who arrived in Uruguay in 1842, originally from the town of Múgica, in Vizcaya, Spain.

This ancestry connects him to relevant political figures, such as the dictator Gabriel Terra, his second great-uncle. In addition to his Basque ties, his maternal line has Italian influences . Pepe Mujica has also mentioned his family roots in Cantabria.

He was born and raised in the Paso de la Arena neighborhood in Montevideo, Uruguay , where he developed his identity and values ​​that led him to a distinguished political and social career. His life is a reflection of Uruguayan history and the challenges its people have faced over time.

Photos by Pepe Mujica

In 1956, José Mujica became acquainted with the Nationalist deputy Enrique Erro, thanks to his mother, who was a member of the same party. After this meeting, Mujica joined the National Party and became secretary general of the Nationalist Youth.

In 1962, Mujica and Erro decided to leave the National Party and found the Popular Union, in collaboration with the Socialist Party of Uruguay and the Nuevas Bases group. However, in the subsequent elections, their presidential candidate, Emilio Frugoni, only obtained 2.3% of the votes.

pepe mujica as a young man
José Mujica, in his early political career, paving the way towards social commitment and a transformative vision for Uruguay.
Photo: Courtesy
Young Pepe Mujica
Pepe Mujica, a reference in Uruguayan politics and the fight for social justice.
Photo: Courtes

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